Online databases, that contain primary source materials in Latvian Jewish history and Holocaust:
- USHMM Collections
- Yad Vashem Collections
- Ghetto Fighters House Archives
- The National Library of Israel
- Center for Jewish History
- USC Shoah Foundation
- Centropa
- The Center for Jewish Art, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Photos of Rēzekne Jews
For genealogy research:
Institutions, related to the Latvian Jewish culture and history:
Online materials, methodologies for Holocaust education:
- International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust
- Virtual Exhibition "Rumbula. 1941"
- Methodical Materials for teachers about the Holocaust (in Russian)
- Methodical Materials for Teachers about the Holocaust (in Latvian)
- Ļenskis, I., Bērziņš, D. About Antisemitism (in Latvian)
- Holocaust Commemoration in the Baltics
Online materials on Jewish history in Latvia:
- Dribins L., Vestermanis M., Gūtmanis A. Latvia's Jewish Community: History, Tragedy, Revival
- Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia in Russian
Academic Jewish Studies and fellowships: